
Hokkaido Remote Islands × Campervan Rental × Ferry Trip

実施期間 Implementation period


August 10, 2023 (Thursday) – November 15, 2023 (Wednesday)


 *You must start using the rental car and board the ferry during the above period.

予約受付 Reservations accepted


Applications are accepted from Monday, August 7, 2023.

対象者 Eligible persons


 *All applicants must meet all of the following conditions.

○ 対象レンタカー会社で、キャンピングカーを2泊3日以上レンタルする方

○ レンタルしたキャンピングカーをフェリーで航送して、奥尻島・利尻島・礼文島のいずれか1島以上で1泊以上の訪問をする方

○ Those who rent a campervan for 2 nights and 3 days or more at an eligible rental car company.

○ Those who sail the rented camper by ferry and visit one or more of Okushiri, Rishiri, or Rebun Island for one or more nights.

特典 Privileges

① レンタカー代の割引(2万円)
② フェリーの車両航送料の割引(3割(約1万5千円)引)
③ 奥尻島・利尻島・礼文島の指定店舗で使用できる特別クーポン

① Discount on car rental fee (20,000 yen)

② Discount on ferry shipping (30% discount (approx. 15,000 yen))

③ Special coupons for use at participating stores on Okushiri, Rishiri and Rebun islands

  In addition, special novelties for the remote islands and the “Gosenin” seal, which is only available on board the ferry, will be given as gifts!

* 車両航送料には運転手1名分の旅客運賃が含まれます。その他の同乗者の方の旅客運賃は割引対象外です。
* 車種によって割引額は異なります。

*Vehicle shipping fee includes passenger fare for one driver. The discount does not apply to passenger fares for other passengers.

*The discount amount varies depending on the type of car.

利用方法 How to use


  Make a reservation and pay for the rental car at a participating rental car company. If you would like to arrange ferry tickets, please click here.


CamperService Co.,Ltd


Hokkaido Nomad Car Rental



○ トモキャンパー・ノマドレンタカーで予約するときは、クーポンコードの欄に「hic23」と入力してください。2万円分割引した額での決済になります。

○ キャンピングレンタサービス工業で予約した場合には、サイト上では定価での決済になります。レンタカーを受け取るときに、2万円分キャッシュバックされます。

○ When you make a reservation at Tomo Camper or Nomad Rent-a-Car, please enter “hic23” in the coupon code field. 20,000 yen discount will be applied to the settlement.

○ When you make a reservation at Camping Rent-a-Car Service Industry, you will pay the fixed price on the site. When you pick up your rental car, you will receive 20,000 yen cash back.

フェリーを予約 Ferry Reservations

ハートランドフェリー 予約専用ダイヤル:0570-02-8010(受付 時間 9:00~17:00)

Heartland Ferry Reservations Dial: (+81)570-02-8010 (open 9:00-17:00)

○ 今回のキャンペーンは電話での予約のみが対象です。Webからの予約の場合、割引対象外となりますのでご承知おきください。

○ 一部便(稚内発~香深(礼文)着の1便(始発便)及び稚内発~鴛泊(利尻)着の1便(始発便)は、割引対象外ですのでご注意ください。

○ Please note that this campaign is only available for reservations made by phone, and that the discount does not apply to reservations made via the web.

○ Please inquire at the time of reservation as some flights are not eligible for this campaign.


  Receive a “Passport” and “Coupon Book” with your rental car.



○ The “Passport” includes a convenient map for driving around the three islands.

○ The “Coupon Book” contains special coupons for use on the islands, novelties for the islands, and vouchers for “Gosenin” (seal of the ship) that can be used on board the ferry.


1 奥尻島観光案内所 Okushiri Town Tourist Information Center 奥尻町字奥尻フェリーターミナル内1階 Ferry Terminal 1F, Okushiri, Okushiri-cho (+81)1397-2-3456 9:00~17:00
2 RISHIRI ACTIVITY 利尻町沓形富士見町 Kutsugata Fujimi-cho, Rishiri-cho (+81)80-1883-8768 9:00~18:00
3 利尻富士町産業振興課 Industrial Promotion Division, Rishirifuji Town 利尻富士町鴛泊字富士野6番地利尻富士町役場内 Rishirifuji Town Hall, Fujino 6, Oshidomari,Rishirifuji-cho (+81)163-82-1114 8:45~17:15
4 久種湖畔キャンプ場管理棟 Lake Kushu Campsite Administration Office 礼文町大字船泊村字大備 Osonai, Funadomari-mura, Rebun-cho (+81)163-87-3110


  Purchase a reserved boarding ticket at the ferry terminal.


○ Show your “passport” to receive a discount on vehicle shipping charges.


  Board the ferry and enjoy the remote islands in a campervan!

旅の途中で撮影した素敵な写真は、ぜひ #HokkaidoIslandsCamper #北海道島キャン のタグをつけて各SNSに投稿してください!ご投稿お待ちしています!

Please post your great photos taken during the trip on your social networking sites with the tag #HokkaidoIslandsCamper 

We are looking forward to seeing your posts!



